About me

Hello I am a Twitch streamer for Fortnite .  I build this website to get more subscribers on twitch and to get more sponsor ships from many different  companies . My audience from my twitch would help me raise for charity to cure cancer . i chose this topic to help my self and help other foundations .  This affect me to help others that are a need of saving and need money to cure some diseases .

class brainstorm / July 18 2018

I would like to travel to Italy , because i always want to get out of America and try out new things I want to try like food or a soccer game , maybe a boat ride to Vince . I’m also curious to fly there too because I almost never get to fly , maybe I don’t want to , but will try it . I would take my brothers and my mom and dad because i need them to organize what are we going to do over there. I need my dad to pay for everything , who knows my mom , might spend her money too . I personally want to go see the ruins of Italy and the roman Colosseum ,Pantheon , Baths of Diocletian . I would like to revisit mexico to see my other side of my family and look farther than I previously went .